Sunday, September 24, 2017


What is it about boys and peeing everywhere?  Seriously it is so gross.
We had found out that a couple of the boys and their friend were using this little corner next to our garage as a peeing spot.  Apparently, coming inside took too much time away from play time. This was much faster. Needless to say, they got the "fun" task of scrubbing down that corner of the driveway.
 Then one day Fischer decided to dance around while doing his "thing."  So he also got to scrub down this toilet, floor, walls and baseboards.
Its a good thing I love these boys.  Such is the life with a mom and all boys.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Gross! You are such a good mom to teach them to clean up after their messes! Silly boys, keep it in the toilet!