Monday, April 4, 2016

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was filled with all sorts of fun activities.  On Saturday we started the day with our annual Easter Egg Hunt at Great Grandma Clara's place.
 The kids could hardly wait to find eggs.

 Drake was Super excited about his find.

 Afterwords we always try and get a picture of the kids with Great Grandma Clara.
Later that day a bunch of us decorated cupcakes and then Joyce had us all over for dinner at her house as well.  She also did a Easter Egg hunt for the kids.
Since Rachel and Drake were so little they got to have a head start on the eggs.

 The rest of them were ready to go.

Drake thought the basket was fun to play peek-a-boo with.

On Easter Sunday the kids woke up to their baskets filled and some stylish Easter outfits.

That evening we met up at my Mom's house for dinner and another Easter egg hunt for the kids.

Needless to say, the kids made out really well this year.  So grateful for our family and that we are close enough to celebrate and have fun together during these holidays.

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