Thursday, December 29, 2011


We really enjoyed Christmas this year, besides from being sick with the stomach flu, we all actually enjoyed ourselves.  We love this time of year where we get to celebrate with family and friends.
One of our traditions is that the kids get new PJ's that they get to open up on Christmas Eve night. This is Fischer showing off his new pajamas.

It was so fun watching Fischer come down the stairs to see if Santa had come.  Upon seeing the tree and presents he replied with a quick "Wow!"
This is the bike that Santa left for him.  He was pretty excited about it.   

Sadie was also excited about Christmas. She was jumping around all over the place.  This is her asking me if she can open her gift next.  I find it so funny that the dogs get just as excited about Christmas as we do.

Of course we had to try out the new bike that Santa left for him. 


Betsy said...

Oh my goodness! I LOVE the PJs!!

mari said...

so cute. Sorry you were sick. That is no fun to be sick on the best day of the year!