Monday, August 22, 2011

Temple Run

When I was in Jr. High my sisters would take me on what we called a Temple Run.  We would get in the car, grab a thing of icecream and either sit in the car or on temple grounds and enjoy our icecream while we talked about what ever came to our minds.  When I entered high school and college I would take close friends and we would participate in our own temple run.  I love being at the temple. It's such a place of peace and love.  I feel enlighten just being around such a magnificent building, the house of my Savior.  
Today Fischer and I participated in our first Temple run trip.  It was such a touching experience.  Sitting eating our icecream and enjoying the beauty around us.  It was so nice to feel the spirit with my little man.


Brooke said...

Good for you! Glad you had a fun Mommy-son moment! You should have called, you were all the way up here by us!

Jess said...

Feeling in the mood for cold stone at the moment! :o) Such a fun thing to share with Fischer.

Kaylee said...

What a great idea! I'm sure Fischer loved it!