Saturday, January 23, 2010

The "Other" Mother

So my dog Sadie has really taken a liking to Fischer. She is such a good helper and thinks she needs to mother him. When Fischer cries at night she is the first one up running into his room to make sure he is okay. When a diaper needs to be changed she is right there making sure I do an adequate job and the other night I found her sleeping in the baby room. She is such a funny dog. As I was taking pictures of Fischer she had to come lay down and join him. I have a feeling they will be the best of friends.


Brooke said...

Sweet Sadie!

Tasia said...

So I have to admit I am not much of a dog person myself but I LOVE to watch my kids with our dog. I didn't think Max would care about the dog until he was bigger but I promise you Max gets more excited to see the dog then me! His eyes light up and he starts to kick and try to scream and they love to give each other kisses. It is the funniest thing! I am sure that is exactly how Fischer is going to be :)

Kaylee said...

I love it! That is so sweet!

Parker and Jes said...

So sweet! Good to know you've got an assistant around :)