Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hanging at the Zoo

We were so glad we could meet up with some friends and go to the Zoo.  Fischer and Allen have a great time together and Jes and I have been friends since high school. Love getting together with this adorable family.

 This Gorilla was a hoot.  He was all about performing for the crowds.  I wish I had gotten better pictures and video.  We sat and watched this guy for a good 10 minutes.  He would swing upside down, throw the hay in the air and then start twirling around as if he were dancing.  When people would take his picture he would stop and act like he was posing.

Jo and Griffin hanging out in the nest


On Tuesday, Brooke and I took the kids to the Aviary in Salt Lake.  I had never been so it was fun to see all the different birds and get to interact and learn new things about them.  

The kids LOVED feeding the parakeets.

"Mom, he think i a pirate." (Cause only pirates have parrots apparently)

Sugar Flowers

On Monday I got to attend a sugar flower cake decorating course.  I've been wanting to learn sugar flowers for awhile.  I had such a fun time attending a cake class with Cake Designer and owner of Salt Cake City, Jennifer Hill.  Thanks Karl for signing me up for such a fun class. Here are the flowers and the cake I made during that class.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Preschool Program

Can't believe Fischer finished his first year of Preschool.  His program was super cute and I loved watching him sing all his little songs. Here are some fun videos and pictures from his program.

Fischer, Mrs. Trisha & Rhonan
Thanks Mrs. Trisha for being such a great teacher!

New Tenants

So the other day I noticed we had some new tenants making their home at our place just inside our entryway.
This nest was literally built under 48 hours.

Mom and Dad are never far away from the nest.


Every Mom needs a superhero from time to time.  I'm lucky enough to have two. 

Soccer Again

I know, I know, more soccer pictures.  But, my sister-in-law took these pictures of him when they came to the game and they are such great quality pictures I can't help but share them.  Besides when your a first time soccer mom like I am you naturally want a zillion pictures right??? Anyway i'm enjoying watching this cute soccer playin' boy.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Temple, Ducks & Park

Since the weather decided to be nice today the kids and I decided to take advantage of it.  We started our day by visiting the Oquirrh Mountain LDS temple 

The water fountain was the kids favorite.
 After visiting the temple we went and fed some ducks nearby.  There were tons of ducks everywhere.  They were literally in the kids faces wanting bread and many of them would eat it out of your hand. Griffin's bread kept getting swiped out of his hands by the closest duck to him. He liked chasing and trying to pet the ducks as they came in to get his bread.

All of us loved seeing all the little goslings running around. It was fun seeing so many.

Fischer enjoyed feeding the ducks until one of the bigger geese in the group started chasing him and nipping at his shoes. He went screaming and ended up staying by me for the remainder of the duck feeding

That afternoon we picked up Fischer's friend Jack, had a picnic, and played at the park. The kids loved running around and checking out all the play equipment.

So glad for this nice weather.  Looking forward to more fun in the sun.